
1. Which of the following is an example of hot medium as envisaged by Marshal McLuhan ?
Ans. Telephone

2. What is the medium through which signals are sent called ?
Ans. Channel

3. Who put forward the "Reinforcement theory"?
Ans. Joseph Klapper

4. Who is the author of the book "The dynamics of Mass communication"?
Ans. Joseph R.Dominic

5. What is the vehicle through which a message is carried from the communicator to the receiver ?
Ans. Channel

6. Which of the following is not a part of seven C's of communication ?
Ans. Curiosity

7. Which writing style is developed by Sumerians ?
Ans. Cuneiform

8. Who developed wireless telegraphy ?
Ans. Gulielmo Marconi

9. Who introduced the concept of Noise in communication ?
Ans. Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver

10. Who contributed The attritude change theory ?
Ans. Carl Howland, Lumsdaine , Sheffeild

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