Animals Kingdom- 1

1. Biggest eye bird ?
Ans. Ostriches

2. Biggest bird ?
Ans. North African ostrich

3. Deadliest Animal ?
Ans. Female Anopheles mosquitoes, which carry malaria, kill more than a million people each year.

4. Fastest animal in Land ?
Ans. Cheetahs can run between 112 and 120 km/h 

5. Fastest Animal in water ?
Ans. Sailfish can swim up to 68 miles per hour.

6. Fastest Animal in Air ?
Ans. Peregrine falcons

7. Fastest Animal in Land ?
Ans. Ostriches. Running up to 40 miles per hour

8. Fastest swimming bird ?
Ans. Gentoo Penguin. 40 km per hour

9. Fastest Mammal in water ?
Ans. Dall Porpoises can swim up to 35 miles per hour

Nobel -1

1. First Nobel Prizes were awarded on?
Ans. 10 December 1901

2. Who was not nominated for nobel prize?
Ans. Astronomers

3. Who won nobel prize twice?
Ans. Marie Curie

4. What country awards the nobel peace prize?
Ans. Norway

5. Who want the nobel Peace prize in 1972?
Ans. Nobody

6. Who was the first american to receive the nobel literature prize?
Ans. Sinclair Lewis

7. Which nobel prize is not awarded annually in stockholm?
Ans. Peace

8. Mother terasa was awarded nobel prize in the field of ?
Ans. Peace

9. The new york times received five pulitzer prizes of 2009 for ?
Ans. Investigative, breaking news and international reporting, feature photography and criticism

10. Who many persons have been awarded nobel prizes twice?
Ans. Four Persons

Computer -1

1. Specialized program that allows user to utilize in specific application is classified as
Ans. Application Programs

2. Examples of system programs includes  
Ans. Operating system of computer / Trace Program / Compiler 

3. In an absolute loading scheme, Which loader function is accomplished by programmer ?
Ans. Linking and Allocation 

 4. Translator for low level programming language were termed as ? 
Ans. Assembler 

5. The translator which perform macro expansion is called ? 
Ans. Macro Pre-Processor 

6. A program is execution is called ? 
Ans. Process 

 7. Assembler is a machine dependent, because of ? 
Ans. Mnemonics Operation Table(MOT)  

8. Macro processor is an inbuilt function of ? 
Ans. Assembler 

9. When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is? 
Ans. A short abbreviation for the operation to be performed 

10. Which bus is bidirectional ? 
Ans. Data bus 

11. Set of programs which consist of full set of documentation is termed as ? 
Ans. Software Packages 

12. Program which is used to control system performance is classified as ? 
Ans. System Program 

13. Process is ? 
Ans. A program in execution 

14. Load address for the first word of the program is called ? 
Ans. Load address origin 

15. Shell is the exclusive feature of ? 
Ans. Unix 

16. Which is memory in computer ? 
Ans. Is the device where information is stored 

17. What is the difference between mnemonic codes and machine codes ? 
Ans. Machine cides are in binary, mnemonic codes are in shorthand english. 

18. The software used to drive microprocessor-based system is called ? 
Ans. Assembly language programs

Animals Kingdom- 1

1. Biggest eye bird ? Ans. Ostriches 2. Biggest bird ? Ans. North African ostrich 3. Deadliest Animal ? Ans. Female Anopheles mosquitoes, wh...