Ans. Application Programs
2. Examples of system programs includes
Ans. Operating system of computer / Trace Program / Compiler
3. In an absolute loading scheme, Which loader function is accomplished by programmer ?
Ans. Linking and Allocation
Ans. Linking and Allocation
4. Translator for low level programming language were termed as ?
Ans. Assembler
5. The translator which perform macro expansion is called ?
Ans. Macro Pre-Processor
6. A program is execution is called ?
Ans. Process
7. Assembler is a machine dependent, because of ?
Ans. Mnemonics Operation Table(MOT)
8. Macro processor is an inbuilt function of ?
Ans. Assembler
9. When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is?
Ans. A short abbreviation for the operation to be performed
10. Which bus is bidirectional ?
Ans. Data bus
11. Set of programs which consist of full set of documentation is termed as ?
Ans. Software Packages
12. Program which is used to control system performance is classified as ?
Ans. System Program
13. Process is ?
Ans. A program in execution
14. Load address for the first word of the program is called ?
Ans. Load address origin
15. Shell is the exclusive feature of ?
Ans. Unix
16. Which is memory in computer ?
Ans. Is the device where information is stored
17. What is the difference between mnemonic codes and machine codes ?
Ans. Machine cides are in binary, mnemonic codes are in shorthand english.
18. The software used to drive microprocessor-based system is called ?
Ans. Assembly language programs
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